Why Can’t I Think of a Title?

I woke up yesterday wondering how it was Monday already, the weekend really flew by. I felt like I needed just a little more time off but got out of bed anyway. I made a bowl of Trader Joe’s honey nut o’ s topped with a banana, walnuts and soymilk. I am glad I gave them a try, I don’t generally try store brand cereal as my experience has never been good with them. These changed my mind or maybe it was just the TJ’s brand that isn’t sub par as some others.

Despite play being so slow, work was busy. I had tons to do and loads of deadlines to meet. I kept very busy during the morning and got hungry around my normal lunch time. Since the club was closed and The Pro had promised to pick up lunch later, I had a pecan pie larabar. It was tasty and held me over until lunch arrived.

Lunch was from Firebird’s, one of our favorite Monday places. I ordered the grilled salmon with a baked potato topped with salsa and steamed vegetables. The salmon was perfectly cooked and the sides perfectly seasoned. That is why we like Firebird’s so much, it is always so good! To finish off my lunch, I had two small squares of ritter sport chocolate with hazelnuts.

The afternoon flew by and before I knew it, it was go time! I was starving but had made the commitment to myself that I would hit the treadmill for half an hour once I got home. I decided that I would have a small snack to get me through my workout and dinner prep. I had white chocolate dreams PB between two mini whole wheat pitas. The uses for these little pitas is endless, I adore them!

After my snack and 30 minutes on the treadmill, I made a quick pork tenderloin stir fry for dinner. I had already cooked the pork over the weekend so all I had to do was combine all of the ingredients. I used a bag of frozen stir fry veggies, stir fry sauce and a dash of oyster sauce. Once it was done, I stirred in a little basil and cilantro and served it over barley. It was my first time using the oyster sauce and I was a little nervous because it smelled really strong. It turned out great, the stir fry was very flavorful, even the dear husband said so. And coming from him, that means something. He is not a foodie by any stretch of the imagination and merely views food as fuel, it’s taste rarely means anything to him unless it is ice cream 🙂

After dinner, I still felt hungry but decided to wait through the episode of Brothers and Sisters we had on the DVR. Throughout the show, I still felt hungry so once it was over, I had a small bowl of TJ’s greek yogurt with lemon curd stirred it. I skipped the photo since it pretty much looked the same as Sunday night. Once I ate the yogurt, I caught up on some blogging/blog reading and then we did a 25 min moon salutation yoga flow. It was a relaxing practice that ended the evening perfectly.

QOTD: Today I started wondering about pre-workout snacks. Do you eat one even if you are not hungry? If you do, why? It seems counter-intutive to me to eat one if I am not hungry.

More of the Same

I woke up pretty hungry yesterday and I knew just what I wanted. I had a toasted blueberry scone with lemon curd, both from Trader Joes. On the side, I had the only kind of apple I like, a honey crisp and a little almond butter. The scone and lemon curd were A.MA.ZING. The tart lemon curd and the sweet scone were such a wonderful compliment of flavors.

Shortly after breakfast, our little Caddie went missing and we searched and searched for him. After a panicky hour or so of searching, we finally heard his little meep coming from upstairs. He had been sleeping in the box springs of the guest bedroom! We had literally searched everywhere, including the fridge, the freezer and we even went as far as pulling the wood-stove insert out of the fireplace. We had even looked under that bed about a hundred time but he had himself hidden pretty well. He came out yawning and stretching.

After that, I was feeling pretty wound up and had a really strong desire to hit the treadmill. Not a desire I have very often so I went with it. I did 3 miles while watching a couple of episodes of Sex and the City.  When I was done I had a quick shower and then made myself a bowl of the roasted veggie soup I made on Saturday. About an hour and a half later, I was hungry again so I heated up a couple pieces of the leftover pizza from Saturday and ate it while watching the rest of Coco Chanel.

Lunch was followed by a little housework and a nap! When we woke up, I was hungry and really wanted PB & J on some local bread that I had taken out of the freezer. I felt like I should make something other than that because after the dear husbands long run, that is what I made him for lunch. He said he would like to have a grilled cheese so I made myself the PB and J. It was really good, the bread is nutty and doughy, it tastes just like a bread shop smells now.

After dinner, we just relaxed and watched Made of Honor with Patrick Dempsy. For a treat, I had a fage with lemon curd. I know I ate the lemon curd twice in one day but I was really anxious to try it on the fage. It was as delicious as I imagined it, it tasted like lemonade pie! A great way to end the weekend.

QOTD: What is your favorite way to eat greek yogurt? Mine is with honey but the lemon curd is running a very close second.

Grocery Day

We had a big day planned yesterday so I started us off with a bowl of oats. I cooked them in half soymilk, half water, mashed banana and a dash of salt. Once they were cooked, I topped my portion with homemade trail mix and almond butter. I’m not sure why but they were very filling and I was only able to eat about 2/3 of my small portion.

After breakfast, we met our friends Sarah and Francis at Starbucks. I chose a pumpkin spice latte made with soymilk. I’m not sure what everyone else got but I thought this shot would be fun.

With out Starbucks in hand, we piled into my car and headed to Trader Joe’s. It had just opened Friday and I had been so excited to go! While there, I loaded up on all sorts of goodies. I was amazed at some of the prices, goat cheese in particular stands out because it was $2.00 less per roll than our regular grocery store. I also stocked up on the TJ’s brand of greek yogurt, look for a review on that later in the week.

After TJ’s, we went to Whole Foods and once again loaded up on all sorts of good thing. While shopping, the dear husband and I tried a piece of apple cake. It was very tasty, it tasted like fall.

After our grocery store adventures, we went to Bertucci for lunch. We started off with the bread and olive oil. To. Die. For. I really paid attention to my hunger and stopped at one though because I wanted to enjoy lunch as well.

For lunch, the dear husband and I shared the portifino pizza. It had goat cheese, spinach and tomatoes. The crust was absolutely without a doubt the best thin crust I have ever had. This will be on our list of places to go again!

After lunch, we all browsed around the shops and then headed to Maggie Moo’s for a little ice cream. After my ice cream debacle on Friday night, I made a vow to only eat good quality ice cream and this fit the bill. I got a Better Batter with sprinkles, brownies and fudge. It had a witty little name but I can’t for the life of me remember it now. Maybe Sarah will chime in on the comments and remind me. This was a delightful little cup of ice cream.

After ice cream, we headed back to our side of the world, dropped them off and headed home. Once home, it took up forever to unload all of our loot. Once it was all put away, I started on dinner. I made a roasted vegetable soup with all of the veggie goodness I got from Whole Foods. I started by roasting peppers, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots and butter nut squash in olive oil, garlic, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper. Once the veggies were roasted, I combined them with veggie broth, oregano, a large can of fire roasted tomatoes and a little more mashed garlic.

Once it was dinner time, I made a small bowl of soup topped with paremsan cheese.

And the dear husband and I shared this little bowl of toasted mini whole wheat pitas (my new favorite food).

For some reason, while eating, I felt really turned off by food and didn’t finish my bowl. I’m not real sure what was going on with me but eating just didn’t feel right. I ate maybe half of my soup and two of the mini pitas.

To relax a little, I downloaded the Sex and the City movie onto my iPod and watched it on the tv in the living room. I am sure the dear husband was a little reluctant but I think he was more interested in playing with Caddie anyway, who by the way is doing very well and becoming a best friend to my Georgy kitty. Anyway, I love this movie, Sarah and I had gone to see it the day it was released in the theater with T and her best friend. It was just as good this time, I cried at all the crying parts and laughed at all the laughing parts.

By the time the movie was over, my stomach was feeling ready to eat and it really wanted PB. I had a few unphotographed mini pitas with white chocolate dreams PB along with some red grapes. I only ate a couple because once again, I felt turned off by food. It was like this weird feeling in my stomach that I have just never felt before. So, I went to bed.

QOTD: What is your favortie movie? Will your significant other watch chick flicks with you?

Caddie Shack

Yesterday, my breakfast was exactly the same as Thursday except for the nuts. I just enjoyed it so much, I wanted to give it another go. It was Kashi Autum Wheat with a banana, walnuts and soymilk. A nice simple breakfast.

Thankfully, work was much less crazy! I sent T a picture of the new kitty and she said we had to come up with a golf name for him since he was rescued from the course. So, she shouted Bogey, then Birdie and then Caddie. As soon as I heard Caddie, I knew it was the one. I sent the dear husband google chat and he loved it too! So, Caddie the Kitty is his name.



at play

at play

For lunch, I wanted soup and sandwich because the staff lunch was not appealing at all. I asked chef about the soup selections and I was once again none too impressed. So, I settled on a grilled ham, cheese and tomato sandwich on whole wheat with a small salad on the side. When it came, it also had a house made pickle on the side. The pickle was a bit spicy for my taste but the sandwich rocked! He cooked it over the wood chip grill so it had a lovely smokey flavor that only comes from that kind of grill.

Late in the afternoon, I had a fage with honey to hold me over until dinner with our friends. For dinner, we met Sarah and Francis at Elephant Thai in a little town close by to our own. We started with spring rolls with peanut dipping sauce.

And then a warm cozy bowl of Tom Yum soup, I ate only the mushrooms, lemongrass, cilantro and broth. I had asked for shrimp but somehow got chicken.

My main course was my all time favorite, noodles of the drunk with tofu. This wasn’t my favorite version of the dish as it was not spicy at all and it was bit greasy for my taste. In spite of all of that, the essential flavors were there and I still enjoyed it.

After dinner, we wanted some dessert and decided to go to Friendly’s. T, from work, had told me that if you want to have a pig out fest on ice cream, this was the place. So, we piled into the car and made our way. I ordered the brownie sundae with birthday cake ice cream. It had a brownie, the ice cream, caramel, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. I have to say, we had debated between Friendly’s and cold stone and I later wished we had picked cold stone. The quality seemed a bit sub par and it didn’t knock my socks off the way cold stone or my local place does. 

Things like this make me feel guilty for indulging, I’m not sure why but if it doesn’t live up to the food fantasy in my head, I get racked with guilt. By the time I got home, all I could think was that I would need to spend three hours on the treadmill to wipe out the damage that the ice cream had done. I guess, for me, it goes back to only eating the foods I truly enjoy. Next time, I will say, what the heck, lets take the extra 10 minutes to go to the awesome place.

Once we made it home, it was my bedtime so after a little cuddle time with Caddie, I went to bed. I tried watching some of the debate but as always, the politicians just talk in circles and I get pissed so I switched the channel to TLC and went off to dreamland.

QOTD:I used to feel guilty about everything I ate that wasn’t “healthy”. Now, my guilt is becoming less and less as I work on accepting myself and my size. I can enjoy ice cream or a few squares of chocolate without beating myself up but sometimes the guilt makes it’s way in. Do you have moments where you feel guilty about things you have eaten, what do you do in those cases?

A New Kitty!!! Hooray!!!

I started out my day with a nice bowl of kashi autumn wheat topped with a banana, soymilk and almonds. It was really good and I actually kind of liked the soymilk. I have really been getting into all sorts of non dairy milks and I think regular ole soy will makes its way into the rotation.

I can not even begin to describe to you the kind of morning I had at work. We have been working on a project for a couple of weeks now and today was the day to get everything into the mail and out the door. The first problem was that because we gave kinkos about 12 ours notice, they couldn’t really colate the way we needed it so that was a hassle. Then, we were supposed to have 448 packages going out and once we had all of them stuffed, we only had 400 exactly. So, with highlighters and lists, we had to manually go through every package and mark who we had to figure out who we didn’t. Come to find out, when the labels were made, the merge missed every 10th member when it went to print. It was caos! In the midst of all of that, I ate an almond and coconut kind bar. O.M.Goodness. It was so good, I am not generally a fan of coconut but this little bar was tasty.

Once we were at a stopping point, T urged me to go get staff lunch before it was gone because it was “the best soup she had ever had”. So, I went down and loaded myself up with some. It was broccoli and cheese soup with grilled cheese biscuits! I agreed with T, it was the best soup I had ever had and the biscuits were delightful. I ended up eating way to much and while T and K were stading around talking, I said out loud “Oh my goodness, I can not eat another bite”, they both laughed and said they felt the same way. Come to find out, the guy that made the soup was on a working interview and didn’t accept our offer 😦 So, no soup for us.

After lunch and a rainy trip to the Post Office to drop off all 448 packages, I got a phone call for S telling me that she had soem kittens that were found on the course and they needed homes. She had taken them to the vet to make sure they were healthy so I decided to go and see them. I ended up bringing one home!!! Yay! Ever since what happened with Callie, we have been wanting to get another kitten so this made us both very happy. We haven’t decided on a name yet and he is hiding in places we can’ get to.

Nameless Kitty

Nameless Kitty

Georgy Investigating

Georgy Investigating

K.C. eyeing from afar

K.C. eyeing from afar

The day had been cold and raining so I wanted something warm and cozy. The dear husband suggested pizza and I immediately said yes. We ordered a whole wheat pizza with the works and enjoyed every bite!

For dessert, we shared a little of a ritter sport chocolate hazelnut bar. After that, we spent time trying to find the hiding kitty to make sure it would eat something. He really took to the dear husband and ended up sleeping with him all night long. I think that is pretty cool since I brought both of our cats into our relationship so this one can be “his” cat.

QOTD: Any ideas on cute boy kitty names? I keep calling him baby kitty but he won’t be a baby forever.

Quiet Time

Yesterday, I woke up and did a 20 minute AM yoga dvd with Rodney Yee and it felt great. I had a skip in my step all day! After yoga, I had a bowl of clifford crunch in hopes of curing my honey nut cheerios craving. I topped it with a banana, walnuts and hemp milk. It was awesome and I think it did the trick.

Work was pretty quiet with T gone and The Pro running around all day. In fact, with my good mood bubbling all around, it felt a little too quiet. Around 11, I went down to see what the staff lunch was and I wasn’t impressed. So, the chef made me none other than a chef salad with poppyseed dressing. It was good but it was also a salad which I am not in the mood for at all. I think I may start asking for soup or sandwiches.

When I took my plate back downstairs, there was some fresh out of the oven garlic bread on the staff lunch so I grabbed a piece. It really rounded out my lunch and it left me feeling much more satisfied.

I kept busy most of the afternoon in the quiet and had a snack around 3:30 of greek yogurt with honey. I left work a bit early in order to take a print project out to Kinko’s and then headed to therapy. While in the therapy waiting room, I had a Jocolat chocolate larabar.

Therapy was intense again. I went in determined to talk about a couple of revelations I have had over the past few days about my issues with my dad. First, I have always had a feeling that something was missing, a void that I have tried to fill with food for a really long time. I realized after a long talk with my friend Sarah that was I was missing was a loving healthy relationship with my dad. My little sister has a great relationship with my dad because she is so much younger and never really endured the same things as my brothers and I. I envy that relationship, a realtionship that is full of love and admiration. Isn’t it amazing that two people can view one person so differently?

We talked about many other things but at the moment, I am struggling to find the words to express all of it. I guess I need to stew on them for a few days because I’m not exactly sure how I feel about all of the things that came up. I feel good about it because I was once again able to cry and let my feelings out but I am still processing some of it.  Some of the things that are coming up are shocking to me and I am surpirsed at some of the words I hear myself saying. I assure you, dear readers, once it is processed in my mind, I will let it out here.

Once home from therapy, I heated some snobby joes from the freezer and served it inside a wheat wrap with mozzarella and mustard.

On the side, we had a big bowl of grapes. I ended up eating mainly the grapes because the larabar was more filling that I thought.

After dinner, I caught up on blogland and downloaded a few audio yoga classes. By then, I was really tired and called it a night.

QOTD: What do you do when you have feelings that you don’t know how to express?

Was it really Tuesday?

I think I must be making some sort of record in my personal “what time I woke up”book because I woke up on time again yesterday! I’m getting better at this, I guess being depressed was impacting my life much more than I realized. Now that I am feeling better, all sorts of things are looking up!

For breakfast, I had a bowl of live active cereal topped with a banana, walnuts and hemp milk. For the past couple of days, I have been using the hemp milk and wondering why I didn’t like it much this go round. I think this time I bought vanilla which seems to make a big difference. Next time, I will make sure to buy the plain.

For lunch at work, I ate the staff lunch…er…attempted to eat the staff lunch. It was some sort of veggies, shrimp and rice with a cucumber salad. I ate the cucumber salad but the other stuff was just plain gross.

With only a few bites of the main course, I was hungry within an hour. My work pantry came to the rescue! I had a few kashi crackers and a teaspoon or five two of white chocolate dreams PB. This did the trick, it even got me through dinner without a snack!

For dinner, I was feeling inspired by the leftover chicken in my fridge. I made quesadilas with a “what I have on hand plus a quick trip to the grocery store” twist.  I used whole wheat tortillas and topped them with shredded chicken, crispy bacon, caramalized balsamic onions, mozzarella cheese, goat cheese and fresh spinach.

On the side, I served local apple butter for dipping. Oh so good!

For dessert, I had some of the choclate and hazelnut bar that the dear husband brought home to me. I hadn’t had any milk chocolate in a while so this seemed surprisingly sweet. I enjoyed it, none the less 🙂

QOTD: For some reason, my vegetable desire in really low right now, I normally get plenty but lately, they just don’t appeal to me. I think my main problem is that I have had enough of salads. How do I get my veggie mojo back?

Typical Monday

For the first time in a while, I woke up in time to get to work on time though it was not in time to have oats for breakfast. Instead, I had a bowl of kashi autumn wheat with a sprinkle of granola, a peach and a small hand full of walnuts all topped with hemp milk. A nice, hearty and fast breakfast.

Work was a pretty typical Monday, I had lots of work to do since a little work piled up from my day off last week. Lunch is always much later on Mondays so when I got hungry around 10, I had a lemon larabar. I have to say, of the fruit flavored ones I have tried, this is my favorite. I still prefer the nut flavored ones like pecan pie and cashew cookie, but this one was pretty good.

For lunch, I picked up Red Robin salads. Today, I chose the asian salad. It had teryaki chicken, red peppers, mandarin oranges and romaine. On the side was their house bread which I ended up eating too much of. No one else wanted any bread so it was all sitting on my desk and it continued to call my name. I finally threw it in the trash to avoid eating any more of it.

Shortly after lunch, I had a couple of unphotographed dark chocolate squares and just before go time, I had an unphotgraphed fage with honey. Once I got home from work, I prepared dinner. I roasted a pork tenderloin with broccoli and reheated some barley on the side. To top off the tenderloin, I made some caramelized onions with balsamic vinegar. It was a nice weeknight meal.

For dessert, I had a little birthday cake ice cream we bought from the local ice cream shop. After ice cream, we relaxed by catching up on our DVR shows and then I finally headed to bed.

QOTD: What are your favorite tv shows? During the summer, mine is Army Wives and during the regular tv season it is Brothers and Sisters. Oh, how I love the drama!

The Best Day of the Week

Yesterday, I slept in until almost 7! I spent the first part of the morning in blogland and finally made breakfast around 8. I made whole wheat pancakes from a mix that we bought on our trip to Smith Mountain Lake back in August. I normally make pancakes from scratch but I really wanted to try out that mix since it was local, at least to where we were on vacation. Along with the pancakes, I made scrambled eggs with mostly egg whites. On the side, I had a little dish of real maple syrup. I like the syrup on the side because I don’t like it when the pancakes soak up the syrup. The pancakes were good but an addition of nuts and some vanilla extract would have made them better.

We relaxed for a bit after breakfast; once my breakfast was settled, I did another practice from the Power Yoga for Everybody Dvd. This was a 65 minute flow for balancing energies. I really enjoyed the first 45 minutes of the practice but the last 20 was a little too low key for my taste. I am not into forward bends that last for more than a few breaths and these were right on the verge of being like a yin pratice. I still have one more practice to try on this particular dvd and if I don’t like it, I think I am going to get rid of it.

Once my yoga practice was done, I did a little housework and then settled onto the sofa with my book. I read for a couple of hours before making lunch. I had been really cold most of the morning so I knew that soup would be just the thing. I took some of the soup I made last weekend out of the freezer, heated it up and topped it with parmesan cheese.

On the side, I made a whole wheat yeast roll to round out a delightful lunch.

For my after lunch treat, I took a nap! i guess my body needed the rest because I fell right asleep while watching tv. I slept for about an hour and then did some laundry. I also helped the dear husband through a yoga practice for runners. He is starting to have problems with really tight muscles and yoga is just the thing for that. Once he was all loose and limber, I put the chicken in the oven for dinner and then hopped on the treadmill for about 30 minutes.

Once the chicken was done, I served over barley with sauteed kale on the side. For the kale, I used onion, garlic, salt, lemon pepper, crushed red pepper and a dash of nutmeg. It was a great Sunday dinner.

After dinner, we relaxed a bit and then had dessert; I had a fage with honey and walnuts. I finally made my way to bed when I was falling asleep watching the Emmy’s. My long weekend was great and I think I am energized and ready for another week at work.

QOTD: If you practice yoga, is there a particular style you prefer? Mine is vinyasa and I think I would love ashtanga if I tried it. I like my practice to be active and to get the warm from the inside out feeling.

Spontanious Friend Time

Yesterday, I was a little more sensible about the timing of my breakfast and ate breakfast shortly after waking up. It was a lovely spring morning so I decided to make a bowl of pumpkin oats. I used oats, oat milk, water, salt, the ripest banana I have ever been brave enough to use, cinnamon, nutmeg, a dash of ginger and pumpkin, of course. I cooked it on the stove and once it was ready, I topped it with walnuts and granola. It was warm, filling and delicious.

After breakfast and some time in blogland, I did a 50 minute flow from my Power Yoga for Everybody dvd. It wasn’t my style at all, the name of the practice was invigorating so I was expecting something totally different. It was very slow and rather than flowing through the poses it was very slow. Some parts reminded me of a beginners hatha class and some of the poses were much more advanced like crane pose. All in all, it just didn’t seem to flow together and I ended up stopping it about 10 minutes before it was over. I was aggravated and just ready to stop. I have enjoyed a couple of the other practices on this dvd so all is not lost.

By the time I was showered and ready for our day, the dear husband was back from his long run. We headed out to lunch at Ukrop’s salad bar. I loaded my plate with lots of veggies, cheese, a little ham and the seafood salad that I love so much. On the side I had cottage cheese topped with glazed strawberries, a smidge of pasta salad and my beloved three bean salad. To round it out, I had half a pita. My eyes were bigger than my stomach as it is most of the time we eat there so I was only able to finish about 2/3 of it.

After lunch, we met up with our friends Sarah and Francis to go to a local craft fair. Once we walked around the craft fair we didn’t really know what we were doing but decided we would figure it out along the way. We got into their car and Sarah gave me a tiny bag of chocolate from bars she had tried. I tried the chocolate with bread and sea salt right away. It was interesting to say the least, I called it an upscale crunch bar because it had the same texture.

We made a quick stop at their house to drop off a car and then made our way to Starbucks. I got an americano with a sugar in the raw packet and extra room. Once made, I topped it with a combo of milk and half and half. This seems to be my drink of choice these days.

We ended up shopping for most of the afternoon and I got hungry for a snack late in the day. I had a smore’s Z bar which I enjoyed but I think the dear husband liked better.

Around 6 we made our way to Downtown Richmond to Panda Veg. It is an all vegan buffet that serves a combo of asian style dishes. The dear husband and I had never been but since Sarah and Francis are vegetarians we were surely game for a new eating adventure. On my first plate, I had a little hot and sour soup, double cooked “chicken”, “beef”and broccoli, salt and pepper potatoes and an egg roll. I had a bite of the soup only to realize that it was way too spicy for my taste. Then surprisingly, the “chicken” and “beef” were bland in comparison. I really loved the potatoes, though.

I tried a little of the dear husbands blanched bean curd and knew I had to go back for more. This time, I filled my plate with the blanched bean curd and the lo mein noodles. I really enjoyed the tofu and wish I knew how to make the sauce that it was prepared in!

Finally, we tried the warm donuts. O.M.G. were they ever good, I must admit for going back for a second one. I loved how they were not sweet except the outside sugar coating. The center was warm and fluffy, I think I could have packed away at least a dozen of those things.

Then, Sarah said that she couldn’t leave without having a mochi so we gave that a try too. And as good as I thought the donuts were, I thought this was exactly the opposite. I even spit my bite out, gross I know. Sarah dared me to post the picture that I took of the spit out wad of goo but I can’t bring myself to do it. 🙂

After dinner, we wanted to have some dessert and we ended up at the Positive Vibe Cafe. It is a local place that trains handicapped people how to work in the restaurant industry. We had never been there before but local with a cause is my kind of place! I ordered the brownie with vanilla ice cream and the dear husband ordered the Italian Wedding Cake. They were both delicious though the wedding cake was very rich.

We lingered around for a long time chatting it up and having a good time only to realize that it was getting really late. So we made our way back to their house to pick up my car and then headed home. Sarah gave me a lucky bamboo that I placed on my mantel. Thank You, Sarah!

QOTD: What is your favorite way to spend time with friends?