How I eat

If you are new to this page, you won’t know the difference but if you have read it before, you will notice I have revised it. I feel like it was limiting my ability to eat intuitively and make all foods legal again. I really want to get out of thinking of foods as “good” and “bad” and want to just think of food as food. I also want to just live my life without having to think so much about every bite. Yes, I want to be healthy but part of that for me is having a healthy relationship with food.

I do eat organic and local whenever possible and take pride in cooking with quality ingredients. The dear husband and I enjoy  going out to eat, especially with family and friends. When I do, I get what I want. I avoid depriving myself because that leads to days of eating a bunch of crap for me. And though I would like to lose weight, I’d rather stay this weight than live the rest of my life in diet/binge mode.

4 Responses

  1. Sounds like we eat pretty similarly. It’s nice to find someone who goes for moderation with meat rather than complete avoidance! And cooking is definitely fabulous stress relief when there’s time to do it.

  2. That sounds like a good plan.

    For myself most of the time, when I’m in ‘eating healthy’ mode I try to stay away from “bad” foods completely or the odds are that my mind will freak and I’ll just gorge on the “bad” foods and feel awful after.

    I hope to one day be able to eat “normal” permanently.

  3. i really like your food. i tend to eat like you too – you only live once so why not enjoy it?

  4. “And though I would like to lose weight, I’d rather stay this weight than live the rest of my life in diet/binge mode.”

    I really really agree with that statement. I wandered over here after your BSI win, and I have to say your blog is great!

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