Peace and Love, My Friends

Thank you to everyone who read and commented yesterday. It is so hard for me to be open and honest about the things that really go on but I know that the only way to recovery is to express myself. I am thankful to have such a strong and courageous group of people to help me through the hard times. I started my blog to help aid in my recovery and little did I know it would become one of my most important tools. Thanks for reading and sticking with me through the hard times, it means so much to me. {{{BIG HUGS}}}

Yesterday was a little easier than Wednesday but I still had a few episodes of overwhelming emotion. I didn’t get up in time to work out because I had cry baby head and it was pounding. I got up around 6 to get ready for work and made a big cup of coffee. Once I was ready, I heated up a bowl of overnight oat bran, which, by the way, is my new favorite food. In a bowl, I added 1/3 cup oat bran, 1 cup milk and a pinch of salt; I let it sit in the fridge overnight. I popped it in the microwave for about 4 minutes, added a little extra water, ground flax seed, a chopped banana and, of course, a cashew macadamia nut butter spoon. Good to the very last drop, be prepared to see ALOT of this fabulous health food in the future.


For lunch, I was feeling the need for a little comfort food and T seemed to be reading my mind. We split a grilled cheese and tomato on wheat sandwich


and a bowl of Amy’s tomato soup I brought from home.


On the side, I had The Chef made me a salad that I topped with rice vinegar and olive oil.


A few hours later, my stomach was growling pretty intensely so I had some greek yogurt with mixed berries. I was so focused on the fact that I only had a fork at my desk to eat it with that I forgot to snap a picture. I eat it so often, I am sure you guys know what it looks like 🙂

When I got home, I made dinner for the dear husband and I. I sauteed a couple of Quorn cutlets and topped them with homemade marinara sauce and served it over 100% whole wheat spinach pasta. For garnish and a punch of flavor, I added a few parmesan cheese curls.


On the side we had steamed broccoli with garlic and and olive oil drizzle.


For dessert, I had a square of frozen tiger butter. So good, perfect way to end a meal!


Don’t forget, only a few more days to email me your BSI recipes!

Question: Do you have a food blog? Why did you start it? If you don’t, why do you read?

20 Responses

  1. Yep, I have a food blog.
    Why did I start it?? IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! Seriously, I never would’ve thought of doing one until you suggested it, and now I’m so in love with it! I think a food diary blog would be destructive for me though… far too much food focus!

  2. Hi Beadie, I’m so glad to hear yesterday was easier for you.

    You already know my answer to your question, but I do have a food blog which I keep separate from my IE blog. I started because I just love food. Love eating it, cooking it, reading about it, so why not write about it as well? I hope to do more with it this year, so I’m definitely checking out others’ blogs as well for inspiration.

  3. Hello,
    I do not have a blog however I really enjoy reading yours. I keep coming back for inspiration and fresh ideas. I have struggled with weight all of my life and any techniques I can find to avoid the binge I will try. Best of luck to you on your journey.

  4. I just started one recently, because I was reading them so much and wanted to join in. I stumbled across one and thought it was odd, but I enjoyed it. Then I found more and more, and just love getting food ideas, “meeting” like-minded people, and watching us all on a journey to be happy and healthy.

  5. That overnight oat bran sounds so good! I definitely have to try it!

  6. I am so glad yesterday was a better day! Tiger butter?? Looks delicious!

  7. LOOOVE the tiger butter!!

  8. Love that oat bran! So smart to soak it overnight!!

    Glad your day was better =)

  9. Glad yesterday was a little easier for you…

    I have a blog! I started it because of getting addicted to reading the wonderful blogs out there and seeing how much they helped people. It’s a wonderful community too!

  10. I am glad that yesterday was a little bit easier!
    I don’t currently have a food blog, but I toy with the idea of creating one…
    I too am trying to find a balance in my life incorporating healthy eating and exercise into my life. I am very similar to how you describe yourself when you were on weight watchers…I eat extremely healthy and workout for about a week (or two) and then dive into a binge. I am trying really hard to end this cycle (it’s exhausting) and consistently live well. Reading blogs helps me to find inspiration and in the case of your blog- I realize I’m not alone in my struggle!

  11. WW spinach pasta sounds divine!

    I started my blog becuase I loved reading them and had always kept a journal as a teenager. I look at my blog as a visual journal that will hopefully be fun to look back upon and as an extra bonus, I’ve make lots of new friends!! 🙂

  12. I’ve been blogging for over 2 years, but it only recently became food-centric. I’ve always loved cooking & eating, but never knew that sharing it could be so rewarding! And I love being part of the food-blogging community.

  13. I started my food blog as part of a project for school. I had been thinking about doing one for a while and it gave me a good reason. Surprisingly, some people started to read it so I kept it going. I’m glad I did as its a nice reflection of how I’ve changed in the last year and its an easy way to backtrack on good meals/ideas/recipes I’ve done! I wish I could get some more readers/commenters though!

  14. Overnight oat bran sounds delicious! I just started eating it and love the oat bran.

    I have a food blog. There are so many reasons why I started …

  15. I’m glad that things are going better, and that you are enjoying something as delectable looking as that frozen tiger butter. Seriously! That stuff looks awesome!

    I started my blog as a way to stay motivated as I work to lose the last 20 pounds (for a total of 200 pounds), and as a way to share the things I’ve learned through this process with my friends and family who are struggling with similar issues. I certainly got the idea because I’ve been reading various weight loss and food blogs over the last few years looking for ideas.

    I’ve been so surprised at the direction my blog has taken in just the month and a half that I’ve been at it. I rarely find myself writing about the foods I pass up during the day. Instead, I’ve really realized how much I love and CRAVE the good healthy food that I eat now. I respect and appreciate food so much more than I used to, and I think that I enjoy it now more than ever!

    I keep reading because I’m interested in how other people eat. While I am currently doing weight watchers and meticulously counting points, I’d like to transition into more of an intuitive eating mode where I really listen to my body and what it wants, but keep things reasonable enough to maintain a healthy weight. I don’t have the patience to keep a food diary myself, but I really appreciate those of you who do!! I also love all the great recipes!! 🙂

  16. you can’t go wrong with grilled cheese and tomato soup 😉

    I started mine mainly because my family was always asking for recipes or what we were eating, and this seemed the best way to share everything with them!

    I also love reading other people’s, and I love food and cooking and thought it would be fun. and it is!

  17. Grilled cheese is one of the best comfort foods period! 🙂

  18. I started blogging to keep track of my progress with eating more healthy foods, learning how to cook, trying out new recipes. I continue to blog because it’s so much fun!

  19. I’m glad today was a little easier for you. Don’t ever feel like you can’t have a few bad days for yourself though..we are here for you!

    That oat bran looks delicious.. its defintiely on the list of new foods to try!

    I started my blog for a few reasons. One, was to hold myself publicly accountable for the things I was eating and doing to my body. Two, I really wanted a support system that I have found hard to find in my real life. Eating better and changing my lifestyle is really important to me, and not may peopl ein my everyday life understand why. I so love the blog world!

  20. The spinach pasta looks amazing.

    I don’t have a blog but I have been reading flogs for about 6 months now. I have a binge eating disorder and last year was my biggest struggle yet. In the last few months my recovery has come leaps and bounds and I think food blogs have helped tremendously. Just seeing that it is ok to eat lots of great food at regular times has really opened my eyes up.

    This year I have been recording everything I eat at the daily plate and although I had fears of getting obsessive, the opposite has actually happened and I am eating decent amounts of food regularly. So I guess what I have is a log of food but without the beautiful photos or the tremendous community.

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