Back to Work

Getting out of bed to go back to work really sucks 🙂 I ended up sleeping late and was running behind, as per usual for a work day. For breakfast, I had a bowl of clifford crunch cereal mixed with cinnamon start cereal topped a banana, some almonds and vanilla hemp milk. I am really starting to like the hemp milk, I still like the hazelnut milk better but since the hemp is more readily available, I think it will be my new go to milk.

fast breakfast

fast breakfast

I arrived at work to find an overflowing inbox, both email and desktop, and a blinking voicemail light. And to my dismay, within a half hour of driving through the gate into the land of grass, my head was blaring. I called my doc and told him everything I had done both holistically and medically and he wants me to take zyrtec d which I will start tomorrow. I had hoped that I could cure myself without medication but at this point it seems like it is meds or my job. What is a girl to do?

Around 11, I decided to have a snack because I had no idea when lunch would be. I ate a hand full of baked tofu triangles and a small bowl of watermelon. I must thank the lovely Gliding Calm because I always see here eating baked tofu as a snack which I had never thought of. After today, I am sure this will be a go to snack from here on out. I just baked it with a little sea salt but plan to experiment with different glazes and marinades.



Around 12:30, The Pro arrived with lunch. Since the club was still closed, he went to Red Robin and picked up salads. I got a cobb salad with honey poppyseed dressing; it was pretty tasty and very filling. And on a side note, I did eat the blue cheese because at this point, I think I have decided that cutting dairy isn’t the solution I was hoping for.

cobb salad

cobb salad

The afternoon buzzed by with lots to do and I was able to leave on time. Once I made it home, I made one of our old favorites for dinner, BBQ Tofu Pizza which is an idea I got from Monica many many moons ago. For the crust I used whole wheat pita and then topped it with BBQ sauce, onions sauteed in earth balance and balsamic vinegar, baked tofu triangles and vegan “cheese”. I was a little nervous about the “cheese” but it turned out great. On the side, the dear husband made salads with lettuce, tomato, cukes, oil and vinegar. It was a nice dinner and I am looking forward to making it again soon.

bbq tofu pizza

bbq tofu pizza

After dinner, I did my 15 minute clean up and then relaxed with my book. Though I prefer to be on vacation, it was nice to be back to normal again.

QOTD: What are you favorite pizza toppings? My all time favorite is pepperoni and cheese but I also like goat cheese with tomatoes and basil and the pizza we made last night.

15 Responses

  1. i hope the meds work for you – i understand that it’s not an option you prefer, but as you say, if it gets too much in the way of life, i guess you have little choice.. :-/

    your pizza sounds like a great idea!! i used to love BBQ sauce pizzas, and i’m sure i still do, just haven’t had any in too long. i love these toppings on pizza, and i also love artichokes – delicious! also, pesto makes a great pizza base.

  2. that pizza looks heavenly! my favorite toppings are zucchini, squash, sundried tomatoes, olives and feta… mmm!!!
    i’ve never tried hemp milk, but i’m thinking of giving it a whirl sometime soon…
    hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Tofu as a snack…never heard of it but it makes sense…you get get protein and it’s filling. I may have to try. 🙂

    I love pesto and green olives and mushrooms. But really, there isn’t a pizza that I met and didn’t like. hehe.

  4. Ah yes, it’ll take some readjusting, going back to work after a lovely vacation 🙂 Hang in there!!

    My favorite pizza toppings = vegetables, galore!!

  5. Hi Christie!
    That pizza looks so yummy! To answer your questions, I did weight watchers on my own because I was never “heavy” enough to go to the meetings. My mother in law gave me all her material and I followed that to a tee. My weight has been steady now for 2 years, but I still track ALL my points to keep it that way. I haven’t ever posted on a Weight Wathers site, but I do read them for food ideas. I am really enjoying your blog….thanks! And thanks for checking mine out, too!

  6. Thanks for getting back to me, Krista. I did weightwatchers for a long time before I gave up dieting so I was just wondering. I also used to post on the boards alot.

  7. Ugh I know that feeling of waking up on the first post-vacation morning–always the hardest day to get out of bed!

    And yikes~I hope those meds helped!

    Wow~I actually thought that was pepperoni pizza before I read the captions! 😀 Looks sooo good~

    Favorite pizza topping has to be pineapple, chicken/salmon–But nothing beats classics like pepperoni & cheese!

  8. you have a suprise coming in the mail!! 😀

  9. Wooohoooo! I love surprises, especially when they involve food 🙂

  10. I HATE the blinking red light!

    I love fresh tomato and mozz. I recently had a good pizza with pears and a balsamic glaze and it was delish!

  11. Haha – the first line of your post couldn’t be more true 🙂

    That BBQ tofu pizza looks great. One of my favorite pizzas is BBQ chicken, so I’m sure that this would taste equally amazing.

    One time I tried a pizza that had pear and gorgonzola cheese. It was incredible! California Pizza Kitchen has great variations! Have you ever been there?

  12. No, I haven’t. We have one close to work, as much as I like pizza, I need to check it out.

  13. Now that’s a question I can answer!


    Simple I know, but it’s my all time favorite. :~)

    Glad you found me so that I can find you. :~P

  14. That pizza looks good. I like roasted peppers and mushrooms for pizza toppings.

  15. I LURVE the Waldorf pizza (from Hot Lips in PDX): cheese, blue cheese, apples, walnuts. No sauce. BOMB-BAY!
    I am so sorry about your physical symptoms! What a pain!

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